Paraside Release New Album 'Chapter I: Dreams, Hopes And Other Obvious Lies'
Hungarian/American band Paraside release new album 'Chapter I: Dreams, Hopes And Other Obvious Lies'.
By Underground Press
Published Thursday, 06 October 2022 22:07
'Chapter I: Dreams, Hopes And Other Obvious Lies' is the newest album from Paraside, the Hungarian/American melodic symphonic rock band.
"I wrote the backing track and Matt came up with the lyrics and the vocal melodies. We all recorded our own tracks in our own home studios and sent them over the Sweden to Stefan Helleblad of Within Temptation to mix and produce them. Once it was done it was sent to Netherland to Masterenzo Mastering for the final master". - says Victor Racz.
"The cover was made by me using AI technology (this is my other hobby). I wanted to create an art that shows the innocent yet lonely girl who is still looking at ballons, but the balloons are ghosts in a destroyed city, representing our own souls and feelings" - says Victor Racz.
"While we all have a kind of weird, sick humour, we still want to write meaningful lyrics that hopefully one day will help someone with it's struggles in life. We mix it with our usual catchy hooks and songs" - says Victor Racz.
Composted by Matt, Vic, Pete and Danny, Paraside brings the love for modern rock, with a passion for rock, EDM and musical comedy along with a progressive rock counterpart. Paraside is a complex, yet still melodic sound, combining catchy melodies with bass guitars and symphonic and dance or trance elements.