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West Coast Wolves Release New Single 'Crows Foot' and Announce Launch Show Details

| Music
11 Feb 2023
WEST COAST WOLVES (Seaweed Sundowners)
Brass Bell Restaurant
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The West Coast Wolves are proud to announce the release of their latest single 'Crows Foot' off their soon to be released Debut Album Don’t Forget To Howl.

By Underground Press

Published Wednesday, 08 February 2023 10:18

To celebrate this release, they’ve decided to put on an epic party at the iconic Brass Bell restaurant in Kalk Bay on Saturday the 11th of Feb 2023.

They’ll be performing two sets between 5 – 7pm, one stripped down, djembe, Bluegrass set and one full band set. As a bonus, DJ Miss Jackson will keep the party going a little longer once the band are done!

Tickets available here: Quicket

  • Early Bird (Very Limited) – R80pp
  • General Admission Online – R120pp
  • Door – R150pp

Somewhere along the line while messing around on the audio software they overlayed the banjo intro onto the punk strumming, and it just worked perfectly… Pete and Galen looked at each other like it was an epiphany.

The songwriting process for this song was unique. Galen wanted to make a song that used the ‘well-known’ punk strumming used in various forms by The Offspring, Millencolin & Alexisonfire. He says that after that, the guitar parts for the verse and chorus wrote themselves. Pete then moved to write a banjo riff and came up with the catchy running intro piece inspired by a lot of bluegrass stuff he’s been recently devouring that immediately became the beginning of the song.

“No single-use plastics, I want fuller lips now, click and you collect. Can’t wait I need this now” is about the juxtaposition of elements of society that seem to be opposite. There is a much-needed global drive to use less plastic, and then people put “plastic” in their lips, but everything is urgent and needed right away. It’s just odd. The lyrics for 'Crows Foot' circle around these ideas today, which can be summed up as either the necessity for instant gratification and/or other forms of almost hypocrisy.

*Special thanks to Bothners Musical Instruments for their support!

Updated on:
>> Wednesday, 08 February 2023 10:20

Punk Rock, Folk Rock, West Coast Wolves, Blues Grass

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West Coast Wolves

West Coast Wolves

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  • Folk Rock

About West Coast Wolves

The West Coast Wolves are surfers with strong connections to the Ocean & Kreef Gods of Southern Africa’s diabolical West Coast. Pack animals by nature, the Wolves draw their inspiration from the WES KUS, nourished by fireside acoustic jam sessions, blazin’ banjo, frosted quarts, icy surf and occasionally howling at the moon when the stars align.
The Wolves ethos ‘music, surf, jol’ reflects the character of the band, who often go against the grain to embrace this lifestyle, and as a result they’ve been building a buzz since they started touring with their upbeat and original West Coast beats. Starting with an acoustic & djembe driven bass, the Wolves throw in a variety of different genres, exploring folk, country and bluegrass.
Fuse this together with their rock n' roll, punk rock, reggae roots… throw in some surf-punk & left field percussion then you start to get an idea!


West Coast Wolves - Don't Forget To Howl

Also available on