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Interview with Leaky Tap Brewery

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We spoke to Jonathan from Leaky Tap Brewery ahead of Capital Craft Beer Festival 2018 about their take on all things beer. Make sure to swing by their stall at the beer fest on 16 June to have a taste from their tap:

By Alfonzo Rodriguez

Published Friday, 08 June 2018 05:04

You are a local brewery representing Pretoria, are there any other brewers from Pretoria whose beer you love to drink? Or do you prefer to drink only your own beer?

We drink all of Pretoria's local breweries beers and ours, of course, it's always fun to have beers with Hazeldean and Friars Habit and share ideas with them.

In recent years the craft/artisanal industry has picked up quite a bit. Do you think there are any particular reasons for this and do you think it will continue to grow and become bigger?

I think people are enjoying a different style of beers and not just the normal variety that was always available. If you look at the trends in America and Europe's Craft Beer industry, then we are just getting started!

Why do you love beer?

We love it because its an opportunity to create something from only a few ingredients and thrive in the challenge to get the balances of those ingredients correct.

You only get to choose two styles of beer, which two styles of beer do you prefer and which two would you not even consider?

We love IPA’s and Pale Ales. We have not considered Wheat styled beers or Cream Ale style.

You claim to be the first brewery in Pretoria who brewed a Golden Ale. What is a Golden Ale and what distinguishes it from other Ales?

The Golden Ale is a great balanced Ale, matching the sweetness of the Malt and the Bitterness/fruity notes of the hops perfectly, making it an easy drinker for any occasion. It's a great style to introduce non-craft drinkers to Craft Beer.

Since when have you been brewing beer and what made you decide to start a brewing company? Is it your full-time occupation, or something you do on the side?

Between Friso and myself (Jonathan), we have been brewing for the last 9 Years. We decided to start Leaky Tap 3 years ago, we took on this venture as we are passionate about our beers and would love to see them drunk around the world. Along with the brewing, we also opened a Craft bar called Craft Exchange, next to Thirst@28 East, last year June, which is definitely keeping us busy full time.

Have you travelled to other countries where you've experienced their local brews? Which has been the most memorable for you?

America has a craft industry where each town have their local breweries and the people support them in a big way. This was a great way to travel around and taste loads of great beers all around the States but the most Memorable Brewery for me (Jonathan) was Jopen brewery in the city Haarlem, Netherlands. The Brewery is in an old Church with huge stained glass windows, its amazing thing to see, great beer too.

Do you pasteurise your beer, or do you keep your beer unpasteurised? Is there a significant difference in taste?

We do not pasteurise our beer. We do find the beer to be better unpasteurised.

What is the most crucial element or aspect of brewing beer?

Consistency and having fun doing what you love.

Do you have any favourite food recipes that can be made with your beer?

We currently have a cheese sauce made at our bar from our Red Ant Irish Red Ale. Delicious with burgers!

Updated on:
>> Friday, 30 September 2022 14:25

Festival, Beer

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Leaky Tap Brewery

Leaky Tap Brewery