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The Road To Splashy Fen Getting A Makeover!

| Lifestyle
6 - 10 Apr 2023
Splashy Fen 2023
Bushman's Nek Rd, Underberg, 3257
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With just 3 weeks to go until the iconic Splashy Fen Music Festival kicks off in Underberg, fans can not only look forward to 4 days of epic music and family entertainment but a new and improved road leading to the festival site.

By Underground Press

Published Friday, 17 March 2023 13:09

There’s no denying that there has been a shortage of Good News stories about the service delivery of late. Adding in the past few years of challenges that poor KwaZulu-Natal has had to face; Covid, looting, flooding… need we say more. So, the team at Splashy Fen Music Festival feels it is important to share something that they consider to be GREAT news, not just for their festival goers, but for locals of the Underberg area too.

The past few years have seen the region experience an uncanny amount of rainfall. The result is a patchwork of degradation across most dirt and even tar roads in the area. In particular, the P125 – the dirt road that leads from Underberg to Splashy Fen. Over the course of the last 2 months, the Mayor’s Office, Municipal Manager's Office, Provincial Department of Transport, and other government stakeholders have really taken on the concerns relating to this road, and we are beyond thrilled to announce that this past week, a contractor moved onto the site to redo the first 10km this road.

Splashy Fen 5

Dealing with these departments has been fruitful and the individuals involved in these discussions have all been extremely helpful with an invested interest in fixing the area. While the entire project won’t be complete for the 2023 edition of Splashy Fen, the identified problem areas will be tackled, and it is a great start, not just for the festival, but for all locals and farmers along the road.

Splashy Fen 2023 takes place over the traditional Easter weekend from the 6th to the 10th of April when festival-goers can experience a long weekend in the picturesque setting of Underberg, enjoying the best Splashy Fen experience to date. Tickets are limited to 6000 and are currently 76% sold out. To avoid disappointment, grab your ticket today at

Updated on:
>> Friday, 17 March 2023 13:11

Festival, Splashy Fen, Event

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Splashy Fen 2023 - Bushman's Nek Rd, Underberg, 3257