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Review: Deity's Muse – 'Convergence'

| Album

By Kerry Witting

Published Thursday, 05 May 2016 16:07

Underground Press was lucky enough to get a copy of DEITY'S MUSE'S new album titled 'Convergence', released in March 2016.  The band has shown their versatility and ability to adapt to the ever-changing industry by experimenting with their sound quite a bit on 'Convergence' compared to their earlier albums.

DEITY'S MUSE calls themselves a groove-driven rock band from Johannesburg and the latest offering is their fourth studio album. Sharing the stage with many international acts as well as having an international tour under their belt, the latest album definitely showcases their growth over the years.

The album has taken more than two years to create, so I’m sure the bandmates are just dying to get on their next tour to promote the album.

'Convergence' was recorded between Ashley Lane at Loudmouth Studios, and by band members at home. Additional guitars and programming were recorded at Vin James Music in Australia by Clint Vincent (Dead Letter Circus) who is also credited as mixing engineer and producer for the album.

The album artwork was created locally and is really a beautiful piece of work. All in all the album gives fans something new to look forward to, with some fresh new influences mixed perfectly with the band's solid sound they have created over the years of performing.

DEITY'S MUSE is described as one of the greats in Johannesburg and we look forward to many more years of great music!

Updated on:
>> Friday, 30 September 2022 15:05

Alternative Rock


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Deitys Muse

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  • Alternative Rock

About Deity's Muse

Deity's Muse are an alternative-rock band hailing from Johannesburg, South Africa.


Deity's Muse - Convergence

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