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Review: Androgenius - 'Androgenius'

| EP

"Androgenius’ self-titled EP is as powerful as it is groovy."

By Daniel Lückhoff-Wessels

Published Friday, 07 June 2019 15:22

With their fusion of old-school RnB, soul, funk, hip-hop, and jazz 'Androgenius' have woven a tapestry of sounds and emotions on their self-titled EP.

What makes this EP so interesting is the combination of 'Androgenius’ get up and dance sound and poignant lyrics. ‘Deviant Days’ is a groovy number about living in the moment and giving in to your impulses and desires while ‘Scene 1, Take 2’ explores the curiosity and fantasising that comes with unrequited love.

‘Waves,’ the fourth track, shows us that there’s a tender side to 'Androgenius'. With only a piano for accompaniment, front-man Al Clapper takes us on an emotional journey through a badly timed yet unavoidable love. The band’s usual sound gets put on hold for a moment as we’re treated to pure, intimate honesty, the kind of honesty that makes you stop whatever you’re doing and just listen.

Whether it’s making you dance or make you feel, this EP will have you in its grasp from start to finish.

Updated on:
>> Monday, 03 October 2022 20:35

R&B, Soul, Androgenius

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  • R&B and Soul, Soul-hop

About Androgenous

Androgenius is a 5-piece band from Capetown, SA. The music is a fusion of old school R'nB and soul with funk, hip hop and jazz; we call it soul hop.


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