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Review: Fear of Falling – 'Breaking Point'

| EP

By Russell Miller

Published Tuesday, 01 June 2021 07:25

2021 is almost at its halfway point and for a lot of the world, it has been accompanied by recovery, rehabilitation, and an embrace of new norms. After recruiting bassist and mixing engineer Brendon McCaig (You, Me and the Harmony), producer and drummer Dale Schnettler (Prime Circle), and renown vocalist Jack Atlantic (CherryKab), Fear of Falling had finally formed with guitarist Lloyd Timke as the group’s founder and primary songwriter. Timcke had spent the height of the past years’ pandemic laying the foundation for the debut EP Breaking Point. Today, the supergroup presents the finished product to the masses and what a presentation this is.

Recorded at 37b Recording Studios, the entire album is a treat for the ears from start to finish. Opener ‘Sex As a Weapon’ is a bombastic driving record with Jack Atlantic’s vocals soaring above a thick layer of rhythm guitars at the track’s highest peaks, but the hook is the track’s soundtrack-esque dreamscape of an intro. ‘Fear of Falling’ (the track not the band) follows with a similar dynamic but in a more traditionally rock fashion but a bit less of a build-up in true lead-single fashion. The two aforementioned tracks along with the closer ‘Won’t Let Go’ have a familiar hard-rock sound with that made-for-billboard pop sheen, and then there are three other tracks.

Set perfectly in the middle of this are deceptively heavy introductions to tracks that are arguably the best half of the bunch. Every track is an anthem in its own right, but ‘Fake It’ sees Fear of Falling take its athematic nature and treat it with a menacing conviction that carries the lyrics, and Jack Atlantic’s unyielding emotive vocal fry to another level. The seceding couple of tracks ‘Numb the Pain’ and ‘End of Days’ have a similar grit, and both are complemented nicely with the carefully peak-valley compositions heard all across this EP.

After the release of their self-titled single, the band had garnered the interest, praise, and eager ears of avid rock fans and critical ears of those around the industry. With the line-up Fear of Falling enters the ring with, one would not be remiss to expect anything but a knockout. Rest assured that these guys have haymakers and with dole out hits for years to come if this debut is any indication.

Updated on:
>> Monday, 03 October 2022 21:13

Rock, Fear of Falling

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Fear of Falling

Fear of Falling

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  • Rock

About Fear of Falling

ear Of Falling is a Rock Super Group from South Africa consisting of founder and guitarist Lloyd Timke, vocalist Ross Harding, bassist Brendon McCaig, and seasoned drummer Dale Schnettler.


Fear of Falling - Breaking Point

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