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Review: Zazz – ‘Badass’

| Single

Zazz’s ‘Badass’ is a statement of agency and intent set to a pleasant but middle-of-the-road backtrack.

By Daniel Lückhoff-Wessels

Published Monday, 27 December 2021 06:07

Following the footsteps of so many female pop stars before her, Zazz puts her foot on the throat of societal and patriarchal expectations with swag and sass, taking ownership of the imperfect intricacies that make up her personality.

While the tone of the lyrics is strong and unwavering, it’s counter-balanced by music that keeps things from getting bogged down. It could easily be argued that there’s little by way of originality. However, the composition keeps things moving forward at a healthy pace and adds solidity and support to Zazz’s message.

In all honesty, I don’t see ‘Badass’ making a massive impact considering how much the world of pop has changed in recent years, however, it’s still an enjoyable piece of music that will hopefully inspire more people to take agency over their lives.

Updated on:
>> Thursday, 06 October 2022 10:36

Country, Zazz, Country Pop

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About Zazz

Zazz is a Durban-based singer-songwriter that offers a unique country experience.