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RHUMBELOW THEATRE Continues To Provide Sound and Light in KwaZulu-Natal

| Editorial

The low-slung roof of the Rhumbelow Shell Hole off Bartle Road in the suburb of Umbilo, Durban, shelters the rather small wooden stage of the Rhumbelow Theatre hall. Sarah Claxton on lights provided the atmosphere and Dale Wardell provided the sound for Rusty Red, Skippy Kubheka and Chris Melling on the night.

By John Robinson

Published Saturday, 12 August 2017 11:37

Live Music photography is all about moment, atmosphere and lighting, Sarah Claxton transformed the musician's stage of the Rhumbelow hall into something a little more burlesque in nature. Without a good lighting technician in the house I, as a music photographer, am a bit 'dead in the water' Claxton studied drama at UKZN at the Pietermaritzburg campus. Dale Wardell, himself a musician made the music of trio on the stage come alive for the audience in the Rhumbelow Theatre in front of the house.

The performance of the musicians on the stage is only an aspect of the live music experience, the sound and lighting are as important in the experience of the paying public. Claxton and Wardell did well at the Rhumbelow on the night, my pictures of CROSSROADS – A Tribute To Eric Clapton are a tribute to the work of Sarah Claxton, Dale Wardell, Rusty Red, Skippy Kubheka, Chris Melling and Roland of the Rhumbelow Theatre.

Rhumbelow Theatre - Photo Credit - John Robinson

Rhumbelow Theatre - Photo Credit - John Robinson

Rhumbelow Theatre - Photo Credit - John Robinson

Updated on:
>> Wednesday, 05 October 2022 07:31

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