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Lucy Kruger & The Lost Boys Release New Single and Lyric Video 'Burning Building'

| Music

Lucy Kruger & The Lost Boys drop their brand new single before their forthcoming album, due in April 2023.

By Frederic Egersdörfer

Published Thursday, 19 January 2023 08:56

The second track from Lucy Kruger & The Lost Boys' upcoming album, is titled 'Burning Building.' The song, which has a brief duration, is an erratic and cathartic apocalypse monologue that frequently changes its theme, sound, and tone. Soon after the opening chord, which suggests a sinister cheerleading hymn, Lucy proceeds to spit a stream of awareness over a doom-like roar.

The song has a psychotic air as if trapped in the wrong groove and is trying desperately to rediscover itself or flee while maybe letting some truth out along the way. The second stanza's first line, "I'm catwalking out of a Burning Building," evokes the sensation of disguising oneself in an environment where one should line of the second verse, "I'm catwalking out of a Burning Building," evokes the feeling of concealing oneself in an environment when one should be running.

"Burning Building", a blazing post-punk anthem for the moment made by Lucy Kruger & The Lost Boys, is a glimpse of what to expect from their upcoming album, Heaving, which will be available through Unique Records in April 2023. It is both more fun and intense than their past work. The band's release concert will take place at Lido in Berlin on May 5.

Don't Try Anything New, Cult Wife, and Julia Schimautz produced the lyric video.

Updated on:
>> Thursday, 16 March 2023 10:28

Psychedelic Folk Rock, Post Punk, Lucy Kruger, Lucy Kruger & The Lost Boys

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Lucy Kruger

Lucy Kruger

Stream Lucy Kruger & The Lost Boys

  • Art Pop Ambient

About Lucy Kruger

Lucy Kruger & The Lost Boys are an art pop ambient noise band based in Berlin. The group, fronted by South African born artist, Lucy Kruger, create music that is full of atmosphere and intensity.

Lucy Kruger - Burning Building

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Photo by Holgar Nitschke

Photography by Holgar Nitschke