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Interview: Riot in a Tea Cup?

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Capital Craft Beerfest 2018 is happening on 16 June at the Pretoria Botanical Gardens. Seeing as Pretoria is a highly unlikely destination to be visited by Capetonians, we sent some questions down to Riot Brewery in Woodstock to check what they're all about and if they're ready for the Pretoria stinkoog:

By Alfonzo Rodriguez

Published Thursday, 17 May 2018 08:28

HOWZIT!!! So you okes are fokken loud according to your web site, what can we expect from you at Capital Craft Beerfest this year?

“Gees” comes standard with Riot Beer! We focus on small batch, high quality specialty beer. And when I say specialty I mean mainly hoppy ass beers like IPA’s, DIPA’s, Pale Ales and of course we will bring our festival treat... HOPSHOTS!! Also gonna bring up a keg or two of our annual Winter Special called “Wakker” that we do as a colab with Truth coffee… for those early starters at the festival.

You make an alcoholic Ice Tea, but why?

Its fooken lekker that’s why! It was an organic process that kicked off with the Riot staff about 2 years ago, we made a few batches for a piss up we were having and it stuck… So we decided to make a go of it and release it commercially this year!

Tell us more about your Valve beer, what inspired the brew, bru?

It takes its name from Jimi Hendrix’s old school valve amp he used to play! We wanted to create a proper styled US West Coast IPA, not a watered down hash job with not enough hops in it…12 test brews later, a shit ton of study (ie: drinking IPA’s in California) and about x4 national brewing awards has meant we are the go to IPA for true IPA drinkers in SA… we are stoked!

RIOT is an ambassador of individualism, would you say that the individual character of your beer reflects something in the character of the people who enjoy your beer? What makes your beer unique and who are the kind of people who typically enjoy your beer?

We definitely speak to niche sub cultures. Growing up in Cape Town in the 90’s, skating and surfing was our fix. We eventually extended that to traveling the world snowboarding and watching punk bands! That said, ultimately we speak to beer drinkers who appreciate world class beer, this is the aim always for us, highest quality beer we can possibly produce. We don’t watch cost prices or worry about how good our balance sheet looks. Don't get me wrong, we know how to manage those too, but this foray into beer for us is all about the beer, not how much money we can make, we see this naturally occurring as a function of good beer.

Your Session Lager comes with a warning, is it good to drink for breakfast?

Depends if you haven't stopped drinking yet from the night before, lol… Good fix of carbs…Breakfast of champions!!

All right then, seems like there'll be some lekker stuff to check out from these ou's at the beerfest. In the mean time you can score 2 FREE TICKETS by sharing this interview on your timeline. Or you can go ahead so long and buy your tickets at your local Capital Craft in Menlopark or Centurion. Online tickets are available at Plankton.

Updated on:
>> Friday, 30 September 2022 14:22

Festival, Beer

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